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Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi (Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang)
Campus UYI : Jl. Veteran No: 1 Babakan - Kota Tangerang Banten 15118
Important : Smart Solutions Improve Career and Income or Get a New Job (please click)
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Catalog/Brochure Request Form
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If you need a catalog / brochure for your partner (with the same address),
it can be done by writing a few names,
for example : Arif Raharjo, Budi Ahmadi, Cecep Setiawan, and so on.  
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send your name and address via SMS to mobile :
0817 0816 486

Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi - Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang - Quality of Education is A+