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Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang
Campus UYI : Jl. Veteran No: 1 Babakan - Kota Tangerang Banten 15118
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Students (college participants) P2K / ECP (Employee Class Program) in Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi are people who are working and those who have not worked.

The students are always compact and help each other solve their difficulties. Difficulties both in terms of employment, academic, financial/finance, and other problems.

During this time students are already working (in the civil / private, the manager / leader of the company / institution / agency / private sector, entrepreneurs, etc.), always be able to improve the career and income during college, especially for the self-employed. They gain career advancement and increased earnings from fellow students.

Similarly, students who have not worked, will get the work of fellow students who are already working.


So, for people who HAVE NOT WORK and the relative difficulty in obtaining employment. Then follow the Employee Class Program (P2K / ECP) in Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi is the main solution to get a job. That enhance the experience through their (fellow students) who are already working, and eventually get a job from fellow students and of itself. While increasing the level of formal education to the S1.

For people who ALREADY WORK and the relative difficulty in improving career and increase revenue. Then the follow the Employee Class Program (P2K / ECP) in Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi is the main solution for enhance the self. That increasing formal education while enhancing the experience, career, and income.

Brief Description
The P2K / ECP (Employee Class Program)

In accordance with Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 on National Education System (SISDIKNAS) in Section 19 paragraph (2) that "Higher Education organized by the Open Systems". And Law-RI explanation is written: "Education is an open system of education held by flexibility of choice and completion time cross-unit programs and educational pathways (multi entry-multi exit system). Learners can learn by working, or take educational programs .... etc."

Also in accordance with Constitution 1945 that "Every citizen has the right to education". While there are some among the citizens of the community who have limited free time (especially employees). Also some people who have limited funds.

To meet these needs Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi organizes P2K / ECP (Employee Class Program) simultaneously implement SOCIAL COMMITMENT. That is, with provide an opportunity for the whole community of graduates SMA, SMK, D1, D2, D3, Polytechnic, S1, etc.; both of which have limited free time and limited funds, to continue their education (or moving departments) to Bachelor level (S-1) in majors of interest, a viable and quality appropriate Excellence & Advantages of Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi.

Subsidized tuition fee some companies, but it also carried out cross-subsidies, making it affordable communities. To make it more affordable to the public, is also given tuition credit facilities without interest and without collateral so as to afford the monthly installments according to the ability of students

Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi in organizing Employee Class Program meets two absolute requirement, namely :
1. Implementation in accordance with the norms and rules of academic (in accordance with the legislation).
2. Implementation in accordance with the demands of the workplace (curriculum, in college, class schedules, faculty, educational system, etc.).

Graduates and Students P2K/ECP (Employee Class Program) and the Regular Program have STATUS, QUALITY, ACADEMIC RIGHTS, DEGREE, and DIPLOMAS THE SAME.

Graduates P2K Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi have a degree in accordance with the level of education and majors / fields of science, and has the right to use his title and has the right to continue their education to a higher level.

Diplomas and academic transcripts (Transcript) P2K / ECP (Employee Class Program) and Regular Program is the SAME. And on the diploma and transcript, not written whether Graduates P2K / ECP or Graduates Regular. Because P2K / ECP is the Regular Program with class schedules and different study participants..

Education systems are run professionally and is very suitable for employees who are busy with work and for those who are not employees. In addition to face to face lectures, also utilizing a variety of effective methods through individual task oriented, communicative group work, and concludes with guidance workmanship thesis / final project / thesis is directed, programmed and scheduled so that students can complete studies on time.

Graduates S1 Program Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang prepared a Bachelor in accordance with department / study program, which can develop their identity with the provision of science, technology, and art, so as to resolve / solve problems and develop their knowledge.

And has a strong ability to master the theory as well as applications, and professional skills as well as a comprehensive perspective; develop frame of mind attitude oriented professionals in solving the problem based on the flow-systems thinking; able to develop theoretical studies of current conceptual; has the ability to perform a variety of basic research and applied;

Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, academic and professional ethics, ability and skills to manage a team / organization comprehensively in the field according to the field of science; ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge of appropriate field of science, as well as equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies for their needs.

Basic competence Graduates P2K / ECP in Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled for the field of science; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to utilize effectively the resources available; able to initiate the establishment of pilot units for the field of entrepreneurship knowledge, able to follow new developments in the field of science, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Universitas Yuppentek Indonesi - Universitas Yuppentek Indonesia Tangerang - Quality of Education is A+